Berner-l Picture of the Day
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When a mountain isn't handy!
Annie Bell's Duncan found a different sort of mountain to climb, and he seems to be pausing for a photo opportunity!

Duncan's B-G Dog ID
Duncan's B-G Pedigree


They must be related somehow!
Lou Barnard's Silas and Elizabeth Fletcher's Elise have identical happy expressions having found the perfect resting place!

Silas' B-G Dog ID
Silas' B-G Pedigree
Elise's B-G Dog ID
Elise's B-G Pedigree


She looks as though she's starting to enjoy it!
Judy Dieter's Eloise is having a swimming lesson, and she seems to be getting the hang of it!

Eloise's B-G Dog ID
Eloise's B-G Pedigree


I wonder if he's still as flexible!
Kathy France's Bolt sure knew how to relax 8 years ago, but I'll bet he still enjoys hogging the whole couch!

Bolt's B-G Dog ID
Bolt's B-G Pedigree


A perfect photo background!
Jill Raymond's Joseph loves taking the time to smell the flowers - when he's not trying to hide in them!

Joseph's B-G Dog ID
Joseph's B-G Pedigree


What's personal space?!
Dorene and John McCune's Dolce just loves getting all snuggled in, but Rose doesn't seem quite so sure about it!

Dolce's B-G Dog ID
Dolce's B-G Pedigree
Rose's B-G Dog ID
Rose's B-G Pedigree


He's there, honest!
Jill Raymond's Joseph knows good and well that he is completely camouflaged and cannot be seen at all!

Joseph's B-G Dog ID
Joseph's B-G Pedigree


Maybe because she's in the air conditioning!
Karen Alexander's Lola took advantage of the cool air and got drowsy doing a little light reading!

Lola's B-G Dog ID
Lola's B-G Pedigree


Fun any time of year, but always a great memory!
Joye Neff's Breeze loved to play peek-a-boo with the hedges, somehow Joye always managed to find her!

Breeze's B-G Dog ID
Breeze's B-G Pedigree


Not quite napping, yet!
Jill Raymond's Honey, Papp, and Nellie Belle were relaxing, thinking about napping, but ready for whatever comes their way!

Papp's B-G Dog ID
Papp's B-G Pedigree
Nellie Belle's B-G Dog ID
Nellie Belle's B-G Pedigree


Believe it or not, this photo was taken just a few days ago!
Cathy Estes is celebrating Rita's 13th birthday tomorrow, and I hope that party continues for a full year!!!

Rita's B-G Dog ID
Rita's B-G Pedigree


Always an excellent summer activity!
Jennifer Zaayer's Gable loves to relax on the deck of an evening, watching the sunset, thinking of past and future adventures!

Gable's B-G Dog ID
Gable's B-G Pedigree


This is how you know that the air conditioning works!
Jennifer Nolan's Poppi is napping in the classic tight curl position, so we know that couch is in a cool spot!

Poppi's B-G Dog ID
Poppi's B-G Pedigree


They must have gotten a cool day!
Diane Vanpelt's Boomer and Guinness were thrilled to have a game of tag, and both were caught mid ear-flappng!

Boomer's B-G Dog ID
Boomer's B-G Pedigree
Guinness' B-G Dog ID
Guinness' B-G Pedigree


She's picked the place for her nap!
Elizabeth Fletcher's Elise is thinking about what to dream - perhaps cooler weather!

Elise's B-G Dog ID
Elise's B-G Pedigree


Saying goodbye is never easy
Debbie Fraktman's Humphrey got his three roses in Berner-Garde, June 18, 2012 - Jun 12, 2024

Humphrey's B-G Dog ID
Humphrey's B-G Pedigree


Someone had too many gummies!
Debbie Christian's Knight is man enough to dress all in pink and pose to have the moment memorialized forever!

Knight's B-G Dog ID
Knight's B-G Pedigree


He LOVES it!
Jen Helzberg's Otto just adored his baby sister Minke, she's bigger and easier to chase now, I bet!

Otto's B-G Dog ID
Otto's B-G Pedigree
Minke's B-G Dog ID
Minke's B-G Pedigree


She's a gem!
Bob and Helen Wright's Eloise would like spend her summer in air conditioned comfort as a greeter at Tiffany's!

Eloise's B-G Dog ID
Eloise's B-G Pedigree


Synchronized sleeping!
Dorene and John McCune's Orion and Dolce were too tired to do anything other than just drop and sleep!

Orion's B-G Dog ID
Orion's B-G Pedigree
Dolce's B-G Dog ID
Dolce's B-G Pedigree


Life isn't always fair!
Lisa Ellis' Fritz had his turn in the pool, and now is relegated to simply watching his mom and her friend while THEY swim!

Fritz's B-G Dog ID
Fritz's B-G Pedigree


The quintessential Berner contortion!
Barbie Beck-Wilczek's Abi had her summer fun wading, and knows the importance of quality napping!

Abi's B-G Dog ID
Abi's B-G Pedigree


Perfect summer fun, and a fun memory!
Wendy Djang's Brew knew to combine lots of water with something to climb on that could also double as a diving platform!

Brew's B-G Dog ID
Brew's B-G Pedigree


Cause two heads are better than one!
Anna Reed's Posy and Cole Shanholtz's Rhodes are littermates, and after a long summer day they are content to even nap together!

Posy's B-G Dog ID
Posy's B-G Pedigree
Rhodes' B-G Dog ID
Rhodes' B-G Pedigree


He's working on it!
Roberta Massiah's Ernie loves to run, but he's working on achieving liftoff, flight is his goal apparently!

Ernie's B-G Dog ID
Ernie's B-G Pedigree


A nap was definitely in the running!
Jennifer Zaayer's Rohloff and Gable were contemplating a nap, until they thought they might have heard someone IN THE KITCHEN!

Rohloff's B-G Dog ID
Rohloff's B-G Pedigree
Gable's B-G Dog ID
Gable's B-G Pedigree


A great memory, and a fantastic photo!
Dorene and John McCune's Brie did like to run, or perhaps flying is a better term!

Brie's B-G Dog ID
Brie's B-G Pedigree


Back to napping interspersed with summer adventures!
Elizabeth Fletcher's Finder and Keeper know that heat rises, so take the lower bed for a good nap!

Finder's B-G Dog ID
Finder's B-G Pedigree
Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree


She's a wee bit bigger nowadays!
Dorene and John McCune's Rose started her modeling career four years ago, but talk about cute! Happy 4th of July!

Rose's B-G Dog ID
Rose's B-G Pedigree


Splitting hairs isn't just for humans!
Jill Raymond's Papp insists that he's not actually on the sofa if two feet are on the floor!

Papp's B-G Dog ID
Papp's B-G Pedigree


Who knew? Fun memory!
Sandy Kimble's Kenzie enjoyed cultural pursuits, like this statue of an alligator pirate (check the feet)!

Kenzie's B-G Dog ID
Kenzie's B-G Pedigree

Jail! Bob & Nancy Torstenson's Hudson & River welcome you to the Berner-L Picture of the Day!

Our photo is cuter than any of the others!

Hudson's B-G Dog ID
Hudson's B-G Pedigree
River's B-G Dog ID
River's B-G Pedigree