Berner-l Picture of the Day
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Melissa Olson must have had her hands full with these two characters, Snow and Strawberry certainly already had their own ways of enjoying sofa time!

Snow's B-G Dog ID
Snow's B-G Pedigree
Strawberry's B-G Dog ID
Strawberry's B-G Pedigree


Maddie and Anthony Culos loved helping Elise and Lou Barnard's Silas learn that sofas are excellent snuggle spots!

Elise's B-G Dog ID
Elise's B-G Pedigree
Silas' B-G Dog ID
Silas' B-G Pedigree


Mari Higgins' Mavis obviously enjoyed using Rob as a pillow, and it seems he didn't mind in the least!

Mavis' B-G Dog ID


KC Harrison's Boone knows how to fit on a chair in spite of another occupant, and Buddy is obviously enjoying the snuggle time!

Boone's B-G Dog ID


Melissa Olson's Sugar took advantage of a carelessly placed blanket, they make the best beds, surpassed only by clean laundry!

Sugar's B-G Dog ID
Sugar's B-G Pedigree


Janie Grinstead's Molly Holly knows how to work the look to be allowed to stay ensconced on her throne!

Molly Holly's B-G Dog ID


Jill Raymond's Nellie Belle insists that the pillows be piled just so for maximum snoozing comfort!

Nellie Belle's B-G Dog ID
Nellie Belle's B-G Pedigree


Tricia Sullivan's Prancer seems to have enjoyed Thanksgiving a great deal!

Prancer's B-G Dog ID
Prancer's B-G Pedigree


Barb LeTourneau's Zoomi, Zeja, Zanna, and Zeffie wish everyone a very happy and hat-free Thanksgiving!

Zoomi's B-G Dog ID
Zeja's B-G Dog ID
Zanna's B-G Dog ID
Zeffie's B-G Dog ID


Barbie Beck-Wilczek and Bill Wilczek's Laukie has worked hard throughout his 11 years to learn the very best relaxation techniques!

Laukie's B-G Dog ID
Laukie's B-G Pedigree


Deb Waltz's Greta didn't even mind giving up the fleece cushioning to her bestie Oliver - notice the paws touching!

Greta's B-G Dog ID
Greta's B-G Pedigree


Patt Wiegand's boy Mooch always enjoyed his time on the couch more when he could have his toy with him!

Mooch's B-G Dog ID


I'm sure Jennifer Zaayer's Rohloff would prefer fleece, but towels will do in a pinch - as long as there are enough of them!

Rohloff's B-G Dog ID
Rohloff's B-G Pedigree


Helen Hollander's Kismet has sweet dreams on his perfectly prepared sofa - I'm sure his pillow was properly plumped!

Kismet's B-G Dog ID
Kismet's B-G Pedigree


Jennifer Zaayer's Gable doesn't mind a plain sofa, but he does want a pillow or two for comfort!

Gable's B-G Dog ID
Gable's B-G Pedigree


Nancy Beasley's Catcher has rightfully ensconced himself on his throne - a devine divan!

Catcher's B-G Dog ID
Catcher's B-G Pedigree


Elizabeth Fletcher's Keeper and Finder along with Bob and Helen Wright's Eloise demonstrate to proper size of a Berner Bed!

Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree
Finder's B-G Dog ID
Finder's B-G Pedigree
Eloise's B-G Dog ID
Eloise's B-G Pedigree


Jill Weir's Brynn has always had a love of leaves, and she started as a puppy!

Brynn's B-G Dog ID
Brynn's B-G Pedigree


Adam Conn's Galaxy is probably annoyed that she couldn't catch each and every leaf, but she did get this one!

Galaxy's B-G Dog ID
Galaxy's B-G Pedigree


Sis O'Hearn's Mae is helping her get into the fall season with this beautiful photo - with pumpkins!

Mae's B-G Dog ID
Mae's B-G Pedigree


Cole Shanholtz's puppy is called Pumpkin for now, and what better photo of her to use than with another pumpkin!

Pumpkin's B-G Dog ID
Pumpkin's B-G Pedigree


Michelle Lake's Thunder was searching for the Great Pumpkin, and she found one that she approved!

Thunder's B-G Dog ID
Thunder's B-G Pedigree


Suzy Weibel's Selah was cute as cute could be with her patch of puppy sized pumpkins!

Selah's B-G Dog ID
Selah's B-G Pedigree


Jennifer Nolan's Poppi is much bigger now, but she was a busy bee helping with decorations!

Poppi's B-G Dog ID
Poppi's B-G Pedigree


Debbie Conover shared this, and it makes me think of the pawprints they all leave on our hearts. Something to keep in mind as we head into Thanksgiving.


Nellie Murphy's daughter did a terrific job mimicking Lincoln for a long ago Halloween!

Lincoln's B-G Dog ID
Lincoln's B-G Pedigree


Cathy Gushulak in the costume she made looking exactly like her girl Molly - which is which!

Molly's B-G Dog ID
Molly's B-G Pedigree


Sarah Braner's Argus is enjoying a stroll with a gleeful Berner puppy!

Argus' B-G Dog ID
Argus' B-G Pedigree


Larry Miller's Trekker has rejoined his dam Sassy, and I will miss seeing photos of all his many adventures. I know he is greatly missed. May 12, 2015 - Oct 23, 2023.

Sassy's B-G Dog ID
Sassy's B-G Pedigree
Trekker's B-G Dog ID
Trekker's B-G Pedigree


Dan Lynn's and Rosemary Mitchell's Ella didn't mind showing off her Furry Fairy Princess look for Halloween!

Ella's B-G Dog ID
Ella's B-G Pedigree

Jail! Bob & Nancy Torstenson's Hudson & River welcome you to the Berner-L Picture of the Day!

Our photo is cuter than any of the others!

Hudson's B-G Dog ID
Hudson's B-G Pedigree
River's B-G Dog ID
River's B-G Pedigree