Berner-l Picture of the Day
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Dan Lynn and Rosemary Mitchell's Eldor, Vasca, and Ella always enjoyed their visits, although Vasca obviously had an opinion about something!

Eldor's B-G Dog ID
Eldor's B-G Pedigree
Vasca's B-G Dog ID
Vasca's B-G Pedigree
Ella's B-G Dog ID
Ella's B-G Pedigree


Janice Parky's Piper just loves the ocean, good thing they live so close to it!

Piper's B-G Dog ID
Piper's B-G Pedigree


John and Dorene McCune's girl Brie as a puppy certainly knew how to enjoy herself with a lawn sprinkler (this brings back childhood memories too)!

Brie's B-G Dog ID
Brie's B-G Pedigree


Cole Shanholtz's Rhodes had a blast playing with his friend Finley, and I'll bet a great time was had by one and all!

Rhodes' B-G Dog ID
Rhodes' B-G Pedigree


Sue Beagley's Bunny enjoys swimming in the ocean, besides - it makes for great photo opportunities!

Bunny's B-G Dog ID
Bunny's B-G Pedigree


Wendy Djang's Favor and Elizabeth Fletcher's Keeper aren't racing (according to Keeper at least), but they are smart boys so they appreciate having life jackets!

Favor's B-G Dog ID
Favor's B-G Pedigree
Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree


Sis O'Hearn's Goose enjoys just relaxing in the pool, but I'll bet he'd love a Cabana Girl to bring him some treats!

Goose's B-G Dog ID
Goose's B-G Pedigree


Wendy Djang's Bishop was 8 weeks old here, and was he startled at being caught or surprised at the feel of the water!

Bishop's B-G Dog ID
Bishop's B-G Pedigree


I just LOVE this photo of Suzy Weibel's Selah swimming and splashing and just enjoying the time in a pool!

Selah's B-G Dog ID
Selah's B-G Pedigree


Elizabeth Fletcher co-owns Silas with her sister Lou, but the love runs deep and it looks completely mutual!

Silas' B-G Dog ID
Silas' B-G Pedigree


Jill Raymond's Papp just adores her daughter Kristin, and boy does it show in this beautiful captured moment!

Papp's B-G Dog ID
Papp's B-G Pedigree


Cole Shanholtz's Rhodes makes friends everywhere, but he met this new BEST friend at a family reunion, two very happy souls!

Rhodes' B-G Dog ID
Rhodes' B-G Pedigree


Lori Friedli's Lumi and Alpi love to play whatever games Lori's granddaughter chooses!

Lumi's B-G Dog ID
Lumi's B-G Pedigree
Alpi's B-G Dog ID
Alpi's B-G Pedigree


Elizabeth Fletcher's Keeper was thrilled to start the morning with some hugs from two young house guests!

Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree


John and Dorene McCune's granddaughter is providing much loved belly rubs to Brie, who would love to just have MORE!

Brie's B-G Dog ID
Brie's B-G Pedigree


Jon and Pam Weir said the always painful goodbye to their boy Waylon, Ayehli’s By The Way V Hogendan - May 10, 2017 - August 15, 2023.

Waylon's B-G Dog ID
Waylon's B-G Pedigree


Maria Crifasi's granddaughter is much bigger now, but she did love Boomer and he most certainly loved her right back! But to be fair, he loved everyone!

Boomer's B-G Dog ID
Boomer's B-G Pedigree


Elizabeth Fletcher's Keeper helps sort out colors and shapes with this young lady, who has a great teacher!

Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree


Brian Klein's Snickers loves spending time helping his young human to learn the alphabet, reading is sure to be next!

Snickers' B-G Dog ID
Snickers' B-G Pedigree


Pat Southward's Zack was her heart dog, but the whole family adored him, as shown in this long ago Thanksgiving photo!

Zack's B-G Dog ID
Zack's B-G Pedigree


Rosemary Mitchell and Dan Lynn's Vasca loves doing therapy work, and the children always love it - mostly!

Vasca's B-G Dog ID
Vasca's B-G Pedigree


Adeline MacClealand's Cassandra got to do her socializing in the front seat with a group of children!

Cassandra's B-G Dog ID
Cassandra's B-G Pedigree


Jennifer Nolan's Poppi was captured in this photo sharing a sweet moment with her young human Haley!

Poppi's B-G Dog ID
Poppi's B-G Pedigree


Nancy Beasley's Catcher started off with smiles and hugs and I'll bet it continues for years to come!

Catcher's B-G Dog ID
Catcher's B-G Pedigree


Cathy Huyghe's Zen got some early socialization, and started what I'm sure will be a lifetime of making big smiles happen!

Zen's B-G Dog ID
Zen's B-G Pedigree


Courtney Nellis' Dolly is suffering through some very happy and energetic hugs, but I bet she gave as good as she got!

Dolly's B-G Dog ID
Dolly's B-G Pedigree


Roberta Massiah's Ernie got to spend time with children as a young puppy, and he learned non-verbal communication right from the start!

Ernie's B-G Dog ID
Ernie's B-G Pedigree


Brian Klein's Snickers enjoys doing everything with his children, especially all the sweet hugs!

Snickers' B-G Dog ID
Snickers' B-G Pedigree


Suzy Weibel's Selah is certainly not shy about having children pet her, but the fence is a frustratingly good barrier!

Selah's B-G Dog ID
Selah's B-G Pedigree


Lorraine Salter's Buoy met these two brothers on a walk, and after loving on him for 10 minutes one of the brothers claimed - Now he's MINE!

Buoy's B-G Dog ID
Buoy's B-G Pedigree


Brandi Szczesny's Toby loved getting hugs from his family, and Charlotte loved giving them. Gone far too soon, but he left footprints all over their hearts.!

Toby's B-G Dog ID
Toby's B-G Pedigree

Jail! Bob & Nancy Torstenson's Hudson & River welcome you to the Berner-L Picture of the Day!

Our photo is cuter than any of the others!

Hudson's B-G Dog ID
Hudson's B-G Pedigree
River's B-G Dog ID
River's B-G Pedigree