Berner-l Picture of the Day
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Big aspirations!
Margaret Jezek's Keegan practiced his inner Mountain Dog wherever he could, he's probably quite accomplished now!

Keegan's B-G Dog ID
Keegan's B-G Pedigree


Training accomplished!
Margaret Jezek's Stigen paused for a perfect photo against a wonderful backdrop!

Stigen's B-G Dog ID
Stigen's B-G Pedigree


Mountain Dog in training!
Jennifer Zaayer's Gable is undoubtedly more capable now, but he was an eager learner!

Gable's B-G Dog ID
Gable's B-G Pedigree


Only in Maynard is really a thing!
Adam Conn's Galaxy poses in front of a benchasaurus, no one knows who did the deed!

Galaxy's B-G Dog ID
Galaxy's B-G Pedigree


These girls made more of an event of Memorial Day!
Dorene and John McCune's Dolce, Rose, Iris, and Journey know how to smile in spite of the hats!

Dolce's B-G Dog ID
Dolce's B-G Pedigree
Rose's B-G Dog ID
Rose's B-G Pedigree
Iris' B-G Dog ID
Iris' B-G Pedigree
Journey's B-G Dog ID
Journey's B-G Pedigree


In memory of all who died to defend our country.
Elizabeth Fletcher's Elise is hosting her own memorial service!

Elise's B-G Dog ID
Elise's B-G Pedigree


Madeline Knowles' Mezcal looks absolutely stunning in the midst of some shooting star flowers!

Mezcal's B-G Dog ID
Mezcal's B-G Pedigree


Not a planned series, just some fun photos!
Sue Beagley's Bunny looks magnificent against a backdrop of what are probably cherry petals!

Bunny's B-G Dog ID
Bunny's B-G Pedigree


So it's not a statue, but I love the photo!
Sue Beagley's Moby has his favorite toy, his Berner baby, and just look at that face!

Moby's B-G Dog ID
Moby's B-G Pedigree


These deer don't eat the flowers at least!
Jill Raymond's Nellie Belle loves to express her opinion, while Papp calmly guards his ball; neither is concerned about the deer!

Nellie Belle's B-G Dog ID
Nellie Belle's B-G Pedigree
Papp's B-G Dog ID
Papp's B-G Pedigree


At least it makes for a fun photo!
Lou Barnard's Silas is probably as big as that deer by now, but at the time he was content to just ignore it!

Silas' B-G Dog ID
Silas' B-G Pedigree


Playing with the BIG dogs!
Suzy Weibel's Selah seems more interested in the cardinal than in a dog that's far bigger than she!

Selah's B-G Dog ID
Selah's B-G Pedigree


And a very different sort of horse!
Liz Bradbury's Goddog Indy had fun touring Scotland, he's seen here next to the Kelpie statue near Falkirk!

Indy's B-G Dog ID
Indy's B-G Pedigree


A bit of a change!
Elizabeth Fletcher's Elise was sweet, gentle, and quite curious to meet Bentley, and Bentley mimicked the attitude!

Elise's B-G Dog ID
Elise's B-G Pedigree


I'm not sure I could do it, and I only have 2 feet!
Mary Durham's Firn looks like she's a whiz at the weaves, just look at that concentration on her face!

Firn's B-G Dog ID
Firn's B-G Pedigree


Talk about a boy who loved agility!
Jack Crifasi and Boomer were amazing in agility, Maria just loved her sweet boy that didn't jump on the furniture - much!

Boomer's B-G Dog ID
Boomer's B-G Pedigree


A bittersweet memory still.
Kim Spooner's Zyzy was her heart dog, but they made a great team as the titles can attest.

Zyzy's B-G Dog ID
Zyzy's B-G Pedigree


Such a happy face!
Lori Friedli's Lumi is obviously having an absolute blast running a practice agility course!

Lumi's B-G Dog ID
Lumi's B-G Pedigree


They don't just do drafting!
Deb Saks' Mel was captured brilliantly in mid jump during agility, and the grin says it all!

Mel's B-G Dog ID
Mel's B-G Pedigree


More fun with carting, a fun memory!
Maria and Jack Crifasi's boy Boomer as sweet as could be with the two papillons that Jack was teaching how to cart... hmmm...!

Boomer's B-G Dog ID
Boomer's B-G Pedigree


Doubly precious cargo!
I'll bet Wendy Djang's Favor just loved having the land sharks contained, these are Tina Johnson's Cider and Deb Shaeffer's Cava (probably)!

Favor's B-G Dog ID
Favor's B-G Pedigree
Cider's B-G Dog ID
Cava's B-G Dog ID
Cider and Cava's B-G Pedigree


Precious cargo!
Tricia Sullivan's Prancer posed for this photo with Jake riding in the cart and looking just adorable!

Prancer's B-G Dog ID
Prancer's B-G Pedigree


Good in all weather!
It may look like dandruff, but Dan Lynn and Rosemary Mitchell's Vasca is smiling about a bit of snow coming down!

Vasca's B-G Dog ID
Vasca's B-G Pedigree


She prefers color coordination!
Jim Dilda's Sadie enjoys using her cart at Lowe's to help dad carry the flowers that she'll supervise him planting!

Sadie's B-G Dog ID
Sadie's B-G Pedigree


And some actually work, and love it!
A wonderful memory of a great girl, Adam and Amy Conn's Pomegranate loved to actually work, as long as her human didn't go too slowly!

Pomegranate's B-G Dog ID
Pomegranate's B-G Pedigree


Neither one would fit there now!
Littermates, and birds of a feather - Jill Raymond's Papp and Sis O'Hearn's Mae had a great idea for draft work!

Papp's B-G Dog ID
Papp's B-G Pedigree
Mae's B-G Dog ID
Mae's B-G Pedigree


Apples, tree!
Sis O'Hearn's Mae and Tina Johnson's Cider are half-sisters, but sure give their dad Favor a run for his money, and using his cart too!

Mae's B-G Dog ID
Mae's B-G Pedigree
Cider's B-G Dog ID
Cider's B-G Pedigree


Obviously serious about the event!
Dorene and John McCune's Rose may have a different understanding about running for the roses!

Rose's B-G Dog ID
Rose's B-G Pedigree


I'd be smiling too!
Elizabeth Fletcher's Finder and Keeper make a beautiful team, but I wonder who does most of the pulling!

Finder's B-G Dog ID
Finder's B-G Pedigree
Keeper's B-G Dog ID
Keeper's B-G Pedigree


The apple didn't fall far!
Wendy Djang's father and son team, Favor and Bishop, know how to relax while doing their draft work!

Favor's B-G Dog ID
Favor's B-G Pedigree
Bishop's B-G Dog ID
Bishop's B-G Pedigree


BFFs, sisters, and draft partners!
Amy Wylan's Kassie and Lori Friedli's Lumi enjoy doing many things together, and they are sporting big grins while posing with their draft carts!

Kassie's B-G Dog ID
Kassie's B-G Pedigree
Lumi's B-G Dog ID
Lumi's B-G Pedigree

Jail! Bob & Nancy Torstenson's Hudson & River welcome you to the Berner-L Picture of the Day!

Our photo is cuter than any of the others!

Hudson's B-G Dog ID
Hudson's B-G Pedigree
River's B-G Dog ID
River's B-G Pedigree